Our Way is Distinctly Different.

Our Way is Distinctly Different.

In Order For A Program To Deliver Results That Transform Your Mind & Business Income...

It Must Have 3 Components:


Cutting edge tools & strategies with a proven track record of results


World-class experience & support



Unfortunately, there are A LOT of "life" coaches, business coaches, and programs out there. They will all tell you that you need to wake up at 5am and meditate and have a morning routine and use time blocking and take supplements and post on social media every day...and all this extra stuff that overloads your mind and your day.

But you’re smart enough to know that all that extra stuff doesn't help you with productivity if you're overwhelmed, in anxiety, scattered, or you're procrastinating and only doing busy work all day.

You need someone world-class who can free you of the mental overwhelm and bring back your natural state of mental clarity & flow.

You need someone world-class to guide you step-by-step to simplify your plan to fast-track your dreams.

The truth is that most "coaches" don't understand how the mind actually wants to perform. They don't have a mastery level ability of the mind. They will tell you to do a bunch of stuff. Their programs are either built around hyping you up with money claims or keeping you busy so that you don’t realize that what they’re teaching isn’t really working.

We love our clients. We have cutting-edge strategies developed in the trenches for over 12 years that get results.

We have world-class expert support and peak performance coaching that can’t be matched. And we’ve simplified it all down so that you get results right now because we know you don’t have time to waste.

It’s also the reason that our clients end their feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, or procrastination to tap into true focus AND consistently have their best income months EVER.

3 Reasons You Should


We're about honesty and taking responsibility.

So here are three reasons you should NOT do business with us.


Don’t Work With Us If You’re Looking For "Quick and Easy"

Do our clients get amazing results? Absolutely.

But they also do the work that's laid out for them. Just because we’ve simplified things down into a proven strategy that works every time it’s applied, doesn’t mean that it will always be "quick and easy".

Your results are 100% up to you. We want you to own that!


Don’t Work With Us If You’re Not 100% Committed

Getting the results you want will take your full commitment.

Some people are happy just doing the bare minimum. Our clients want more. They want to finally break free of the mental blocks that have been holding them back to accomplish the freedom they've always wanted. And they’re willing to do whatever it takes to make that lifestyle happen...because they don't want to work for anyone other than themselves. So if that’s not you, we still love you, but you’re not ready to work with us.


Don’t Work With Us If You’re Not Willing To Do The Work

If you think that simply joining a program (including ours) is enough to get you the results you would be mistaken.

Our successful clients show up every day coachable, decisive, and willing to do the work. They do exactly what we ask them to do. They don't make excuses. They pushed through their setbacks, challenges, and fears. They owned their results and earned their success!

Our successful clients are able to achieve incredible results in less time because they are willing to work smarter and follow the simple, proven process that we've created for them.

So Let's Talk About Who We Are For...

If you’re an entrepreneur, or wanting to start a business, and you want to learn how to reach peak focus, peak productivity and earn 3 times more income with less work, we can help. However, we do have some simple criteria you need to meet before we decide we're a great fit to work together:

  • You must show up coachable. We know what works and don’t have time to debate.

  • You must be decisive. In order for you to break free, you can't stay in analysis paralysis.

  • And you must be resourceful. There is always a way when you are truly committed.

It starts with understanding how your mind truly works and what it needs to thrive. Overwhelm is a symptom of a much deeper problem and a huge reason many entrepreneurs stay stuck or fail. If you don’t get to the root cause, then you will always struggle with it.

If you’re ready to optimize your mind & your income, then scroll to the bottom of the page to watch the latest training.

In it, I reveal the simple shifts you'll need to end your overwhelm, reach peak productivity & triple your revenue.

John is a rare kind of person in that he genuinely wants to see people succeed, he is ‘all in’ with his coaching, I never felt like he was holding back.

In every call, he made certain that I got the most value from the session, never rushing through the calls, always taking the time to make sure his strategies made sense, address any concerns or sticking points I was dealing with and that I felt confident to move forward with my training and even how to get back on track when I stumbled.

He always made sure I knew he was just an email away and happy to help me on my journey.

If you are looking for a Coach who makes every call fun and interesting, is thoughtful, patient, kind, shares all of the insights you need to succeed, is supportive (he will be your loudest cheerleader), and genuinely wants you to get the most value, John Graham is the person I would choose and recommend every time.

Jodi Smith

For me to truly feel calm on the inside...I don't know if I've ever really experienced that in my life except maybe being sedated for my surgeries.

I created this environment that allows me to be calm. To be fully present with my kids and enjoy more moments with them.

Lauren Saffoori

Owner/Coach, Lady Lax Goalies & NeuroVisual training franchise

"Life changing. I'm in place. It's a great new feeling that I don't want to let go of. I don't want to go back to the old me."

LaLa El-Amin

Owner, Esteem Beauty Haven

"Everything that was holding me back, in my personal life too, was revealed.

I have shifted significantly over these weeks and it's been recognized by people around me.

I feel very, very focused. Very crystal clear on what I'm shooting for.

I'm excited about my North Star, my big picture numbers and my big picture life that I'm creating for myself.

Lauren Fay

Reiki Master, Empowerment Coach for Substance Addictions

"When the noise isn't there, it's so easy to do the work. [This is] just giving you tools to do it more efficiently and that you can have the life that you want.

I am worth investing in myself. Coaching is needed and accountability. Work is needed. You have to commit. I'm not worried about how I'm going to pay my bills [anymore] and that is worth every cent that I was afraid to put into myself."

Stacey Skilton

Owner, Wellness business. Financial sales.

I was a student, I was working full time and for 3 years I wanted to start a business. [I was] VERY overwhelmed about all the things, pressure of doing lots of things... feeling like I don't have time to do the things that I want to do. I had a huge FEAR that I was never gonna do it. I was driving myself crazy.

I learned...a strategy to handle all the things in my life.

The overwhelm feeling completely disappeared. I do more, complete more. I finally found a way to make it happen... find time and space and energy to handle all my work, studies, business, and life. This was a beautiful gift to my life!

Paola C.

Entrepreneur, Student, Full-time professional